A few of the funny/random/rude/odd things I've heard in the past 8 months: General statements and questions: Once you're a mom, that's all you are. (Completely untrue and kind of depressing actually) Your husband will see...you'll be getting rid of that office [for the baby]. (The office was originally set up for me to work from home and for us to both have our computer space...and it remains intact) Is that a real baby in there? (Nope I just got fat, and JUST in my stomach.) How are you doing without coffee? (HAHAHAHA) You don't look pregnant at all! (Um, thanks?) Where's your baby bump?? (I hid it.) Is the nursery ready yet? (ad infinitum) (This wasn't rude at all. It was more the repetitive reminder to me that no, it was not ready...) What's your birth plan? (It is to go to the hospital and have the baby and return home thereafter.) You shouldn't be _____ when you're pregnant: painting (It was non-toxic, no fumes pai...
My most amazing messes and mistakes.