*credit to hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/ for images. While I'm very comfortable driving now, it was not always so. A long, long time ago in a galaxy far away, I was taking my driving test for my license. In Georgia, you could get your permit with just a written test (easy peasy) and then when you turned 16, you could take the driver test for your license. No logged hours or driving schools were necessary. When I first got behind the wheel of our Taurus, I was terrified. Any knowledge I had stored away about how the car worked (knobs, buttons, pedals) just disappeared. How do I car? What are drive? I started with driving just around the neighborhood or in parking lots. Heavy on the gas, jerky on the brake, turning too fast, stopping too suddenly: the usual suspects. I finally got to the point that I could drive well enough to take a test, or so I thought. 16 rolled around. I procrastinated out of anxiety. Finally though, I called the driving place near our house and ...