This past week was a rough one. Bastian had a tooth coming in, which is always a fun time! After about a week of crankiness and runny nose, I decided to take him to check his ears for infection since he seems to get ear infections with every new tooth that comes in. And sure enough, he had a double ear infection, so we started antibiotics. On top of that, it turns out he also got a pretty bad cold, so he had a really terrible time last weekend and the first part of this week. We’re out of the weeds now, for the moment, but these are just some things I was thinking about over the past week or two. I get really out of sorts when the status quo is off. Like, my plans fall through, or one or both kids don’t sleep well, or my nice, relaxing weekend is suddenly sleep-deprived and full of sickness. Obviously that type of situation will affect you, but I can really get thrown off and impose my own crankiness on everyone else. It feels unfair. I’ve also noticed that I tend to place my hopes...
My most amazing messes and mistakes.